If you want to go freelance, you can't avoid the Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung (tax registration questionnaire). With the form you officially register your self-employment. However, not every question asked in the form might be easy to answer.
That's why we want to help with a proper explanation and some tricks for filling out the form. Read here, when the form is relevant for you and how exactly to fill out the pages of the Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung.
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If you want to become self-employed, you must notify the Finanzamt (tax office). This is what the Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung (tax registration questionnaire) is for. In the document you provide information on the type of business you want to start, including your expected earnings - and after verification by the Finanzamt you will receive a new Steuernummer (tax number).
➡️ Self-employed in Germany: Find out what the different tax numbers mean.
You have to apply for a new Steuernummer so that the Finanzamt can assign your Einkommensteuererklärung (income tax return) correctly at the end of the year.
➡️ Prepare and hand in your income tax return with Accountable
You must fill out the Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung every time you want to start a new self-employed business in Germany. You also have to distinguish between working as a freelancer (Freiberufler) and a tradesperson (Gewerbe).
➡️ Not sure about the difference between a freelancer and a tradesperson? We clarify!
While you only have to fill out the registration form to apply for a tax number as a freelancer, traders also have to register with the Gewerbeamt (trade office) in order to receive a Gewerbeschein (trade license).
➡️ Everything you need to know when starting a Gewerbe (business).
In fact, you don't have to wait for your new Steuernummer to start your self-employed work. However, keep in mind that you can only issue official invoices once you have received said number.
Depending on your Finanzamt and the city, the time you will have to wait after submitting the questionnaire is between two and four weeks. You should consider this before you start your own business and becoming a freelancer.
➡️ This is the letter you will get from the Finanzamt with your Steuernummer.
It is therefore best to contact your Finanzamt first and send them the Fragebogen before you take your first contracts by clients. This way you don't get into the situation where you've done your work but can't issue any invoices yet.
➡️ Click here to find out what an official invoice should look like.
Do you need help filling out the Fragebogen? We got you covered! This is your step-by-step guide on how to fill out the form correctly.
The form is divided into the following chapters:
In the following we explain what information you have to provide in the individual chapters.
The first page is about collecting your personal data - such as your name, address, date of birth and marital status as well as your religious affiliation. You can also enter your e-mail address and telephone number for the Finanzamt here.
If your business address differs from your private address, you have the option of entering a different business address in the second chapter. However, the most important information on this page is the type of business you wish to register for.
When describing your profession (working as a freelancer or tradesperson), you should be as specific as possible, as this information is used to classify your activity. Also, if possible, this description should be in German.
Next, you have to enter your Steueridentifikationsnummer (tax ID) and also choose what method you want to use for your profit determination.
Most likely, you'll be able to use the simple profit & loss statement, also known as Einnahmenüberschussrechnung.
In addition to this, you must provide information on your expected revenue for the year of registration as well as the following year, while also indicating whether or not you wish to make use of the Kleinunternehmerregelung (small business regulation).
As a next step, you need to provide information on how to determine your prepayments. The estimate you give on your potential tax revenue forms the basis for calculating your quarterly advance payments for the income tax and trade tax if you run a Gewerbe.
➡️ Click here to find out how to calculate your profit.
Before submitting your details, you must specify your bank account in the last step. Here you have the option of stating either a business or a private bank account.
➡️ Click here to find out what you should know about your bank account as a self-employed person.
Until recently, you could still fill out and submit the registration form at your local Finanzamt. Now however, you can only register your self-employment digitally via ELSTER - thus, sending it electronically to the Finanzamt responsible for you.
The good news - Accountable has a direct interface to ELSTER. This means, you can use the free, secure and official Accountable form!
It is way more easy and understandable than the form on the ELSTER website. And it's available in English!
💡 Just send it to the Finanzamt via Accountable!💡
The Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung is revised regularly, which is why you have to answer a new question as of 2022: It is about the Umsatzsteuer (VAT) and whether you - as a self-employed person - will be subject to VAT with your business.
This, however, is very hard to predict at the time of registration, which makes it difficult to fill out this question.
➡️ But don't worry, we provide you with useful helper texts and additional info directly in the form.
Sophia Merzbach
Sophia has been a key member of the Accountable team for many years, bringing a unique blend of journalistic precision and in-depth tax expertise to her work.
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