
Understanding VAT for freelancers

Value-added-tax or VAT seems to be a complex topic at first, which is a challenge for many self-employed people. Here you can read all about VAT, how it is calculated and which VAT obligations you have as a self-employed person. You will see that the topic is not that difficult.

Zusammenfassende Meldung: What is it and who has to do it?

Anyone who has clients or customers in other EU member states beyond their national borders...

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29th April 2024 - Read in 3 minutes

VAT ID: Working across the EU as a self-employed professional

If you are planning on starting your own business or want to expand your business...

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29th September 2023 - Read in 6 minutes

VAT in other countries: What you have to know as a freelancer

As a rule, for every product and service in Germany there is VAT (value added...

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27th September 2022 - Read in 5 minutes

How to pay VAT as a freelancer in Germany

Self-employed people have to think about a lot when it comes to the regular VAT...

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21st September 2022 - Read in 2 minutes

What is the VAT rate for freelancers in Germany?

As a self-employed person, you cannot avoid the topic of taxes. Unlike employees, who have...

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- Read in 5 minutes

Reverse Charge for Kleinunternehmer

Are you just starting your own business or are you self-employed on a part-time basis?...

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- Read in 4 minutes

How to change from Kleinunternehmer to subject to VAT

You are registered as a Kleinunternehmer (small business owner) but your business is doing very...

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21st June 2022 - Read in 3 minutes

What is the Reverse Charge procedure and how does it apply to you?

Working with international clients can be tricky, depending on where exactly they’re located, whether there’s...

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25th August 2021 - Read in 4 minutes

How & when: Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung for freelancers

As if the annual VAT return wasn’t enough, freelancers also have to submit regular VAT...

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14th April 2021 - Read in 4 minutes
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