Step by step guide – profit and loss statement in Germany

Many freelancers, Gewerbetreibende (tradespeople) and Kleinunternehmer (small business owners) can use the simple form of bookkeeping to determine their profits. In Germany it’s called the Einnahmenüberschussrechnung (EÜR), which stands for profit and loss statement.

Here we will explain how to prepare your Einnahmenüberschussrechnung with Accountable and send it directly to the Finanzamt!

If you want to know more about who can use the Einnahmenüberschussrechnung and what there is to consider, read on here.

Step by step guide: How to create the Einnahmenüberschussrechnung

Sophia Merzbach, creative writer and content producer
Updated on

Sophia loves literature and writing. She's happy to have joined the Accountable team and is becoming a pro on all things tax related.
In her free time you will find her in a boulder gym, studying Italian or discovering the streets of her new hometown Berlin.

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